The production of positivity is a very simple, technical question based on fundamental knowledge of the neurosciences – and, above all, by the application of a method that has proven itself throughout human history from Ancient Egypt through ancient Greece to modern science.
The technique is based on a geometrical form: the triangle. The triangle represents the human day: 3 X 8 hours = 24 hours.
It is established in applied neuroscience that any action, meditation or mental pause, has a positive neurochemical effect of about eight hours.
When a person begins their day with 5 to 10 minutes of meditation (calm posture, sensation and breathing), this gives a positive trajectory to their own neurochemistry and, at the same time, produces Positivity that will remain stored in the unconscious in the scientific sense of the term. This ‘stock’ of positive energy will invariably diminish a little over the course of the subsequent hours and human interactions (and this is not serious!).
In order to rebuild their stock and maintain their Positivity, the human being will have to produce more about 8 hours after the first one, in all logic.
The same is true about 8 hours afterwards for a Positive Neurochemistry Production activity.
Thus, you have a simple, practical and proven equation: 8+8+8=24.
This equation can also be represented by a triangle whose base is in the morning, sides at noon and in the evening.
The morning is the base of production because with a correct productive activity in the morning, we remind ourselves most effectively about this law of Production and we have more free appetite to keep the positive course, which is only maintained if it is fed by the midday and evening activity.
Production is a natural concept that gives you a way, a clear method to stay focused and positive.
Everyone wants to feel positive. Without sufficient production of Positivity, it's a bit difficult to really be positive.
The more we function in terms of the production, storage and transmission of Positivity, the more we integrate in our minds a true culture of the positive and not a risky culture that is a bit tinkered with but still fragile.
Produce Positivity by this simple ternary method and you have a physiological guarantee that you will never get too lost in the negative.
This production of Positivity is entirely relocated within yourself because it does not depend on any external element.
The more Positivity you produce, the more you will produce!
Good production!
Dr. Salim Djendli, Aziz Djendli.